Tuesday, April 24

Spring is in the air...

Spring is in the air, folks, and it smells like honeysuckle, freshly cut grass, and ....(wait for it)....fake tan. Three cheers for the 2nd annual "summer tan" by Vaseline Intensive Care Healthy Body Glow Lotion!! I love this stuff....Everyone should try it for a skin-friendly solution to tanning.

Also, have I told you that Thursday night is my very last day of class? (Well, until the Fall.) But nonetheless, I am E-X-C-I-T-E-D!!! Anybody who is a somebody knows how much I despise these classes with all of my soul. This means I get to spend my weekday nights on ME! Working out, catching up on my shows, blogging, playing some Warcarft, reading books for next year, going over lesson plans, you know....fun stuff! Man, I can't wait to be done with this program. Beware readers, you just my get a drunken blog from me somewhere around 1 a.m Friday morning. Weeeeeeee!

Tuesday, April 17

Tragedy in the Laundry Room

Tragedy #1: I washed and dried a red blanket and now the insides of the washer and dryer are stained PINK! (I kid you not!)

Tragedy #2: There is a pile of dirty clothes IN the laundry room!

Tragedy #3: I went to do said laundry and the gallon of liquid detergent fell off the self and BUSTED all over the floor. Soap. Is. Everywhere.

Monday, April 16

Little Known Fact

Here is a little known fact that you may or may not know: When I am stessed, I enjoy clipping and collecting recipies to one day put into my "Marie's Ulitimate Homemade Cookbook." I also enjoy cooking and baking when I am bored. I am not sure why, but I find it all very relaxing-- hours of endless entertainment. For instance, when Matt was deployed to Afghanistan, and I was stuck in Tucson all by my lonesome, I would spend whole weekends watching cooking shows on Food Network, and cutting every last recipe out of my REALsimplemagazine, gluing them to individual 5x7 note cards, hole punching them, and organizing them into my three-ringed binder o' cooking splendor (side note: REALsimple magazine =REALLYawesome).

Sure, I have no desire to eat coconut curry soup, or roasted pork tenderloin with prune glaze, or any of those fancy-schmancy recipes that call for "fennel" or "chutney" (bleh). But one day I might NEED them, and so I MUST have them in my recipe repertoire, nonetheless. So this weekend I was very busy clipping and cutting and pasting and arranging. And it was lovely. You should try it sometime.

Friday, April 13

Ok, here is the thing about Mississippi: You can't buy wine in the grocery stores, Target, Walgreens, CVS pharmacy, etc.... This is rather obnoxious. For instance, yesterday was a terrible day and then I had to go to class, which always puts me in a bad mood, and so all I really wanted to do was come home and have a nice glass of wine (and perhaps some ice cream). However, the liquor stores were closed by the time I got home around 10 pm. So, I went home empty handed. Convenient. So that's all I have to say about that. I never even noticed that wine and liquor WERE NOT sold in grocery stores here, until this past December when I moved home. Who knew?!

Sunday, April 8

It's official" I'm in a rut. I cannot seem to want to be productive at all. I hate school-- hate it! I have no motivation to work on my paper (even though I know I need to). I can't make myself file away these papers covering my desk. I do want to do my homework. I just want to sit here and play solitaire on the computer and procrastinate until it is time for bed. Unfortunately, I do not have solitaire on my Mac. If someone could help me out on this one, I'd be very grateful...

Friday, April 6

So I have decided to start taking multi-vitamins. Or rather, my friend Holly, who is practically a doctor, told me about all the vitamins and minerals I am lacking because I don't eat broccoli on a daily basis. So, I went to Target today and picked out my first multi-vitamin. And I could not WAIT to get back to the apartment so that I could EAT one!.. (Why am I so excited about this???) But, I must say, I feel stronger already AND defiantly more energized and powerful. Coincidence? Probably....but, I'd like to think not!

Tuesday, April 3


Also, today is New Music Tuesday! On a whim, I decided to go to Best Buy and frivolously buy CDs. Which, when you think about it, is sooo old school, considering the rising popularity of iTunes music store. Or maybe it is just me, but I haven't bought a for real CD from the store since.....well, since it's been so long I can't remember.... since my Cowboy Mouth era, I guess. *sheesh!* Anywho, I bought FOUR new ones. (Totally not the Marie you know and love, right?) But it was fun, and they were all on sale. *Three cheers for me*

But before I begin with the musical review, let me talk for a minute about The CD vs. The iTunes Music Store. At first I thought the downloadable CD was ingenious: No bulky cases that you don't quite know what to do with after you put the CD in your HUGE CD trapper keeper that only rolls around on the floorboard behind your passenger seat which is not really a convenient place to have to reach when you are driving and want to change your music. Also, iTunes CDs are cheaper and immediately accessible, which cuts out the middle man: No driving to the store, finding a parking spot, hoping your future purchase is not already sold out and/or out of stock, then standing in line to check out, and finally you loose the risk of chipping your K-9's as you spend a good 10 minutes gnawing at the edge of the case to break the plastic wrap that is somehow soldered to your purchase. But in defense of the old-school CD, there is just something that does not replace the tangible, visual appeal of something you can put your hands on. I am probably a little biased because I am 100% one of the people who "judge a book by it's cover," and if you got no cover, you don't stand much of a chance with me. In fact, I based my decision on three of four purchases tonight, simply on the face that I enjoyed their covers. It's as simple as that.

And as for the musical review: On second thought, I will have to listen to today's secret selection a couple more times before I have a complete and informed review--I would hate to throw out a hasty review based on my initial response. I am undecided at the moment; I'm going to have to chew on this for a while and get back to everyone tomorrow. Au Revoir!


I guess Valentine's Day this year fell into the Dark Ages of "Campfire Stories." Seeing as how I took almost a three month hiatus from BlogSpot, I feel the need to update my readers on Valentines Day 2007. Matthew got his hands on some art supplies via my mom, and made me this BEAUTIFUL homemade card out of construction paper, doilies, and glitter. I wish I could show you the inside, but it's full of mushy, romantical stuff (you would prolly gag). But it is SOOO sweet! Unfortunately for ever other man in America, the bar is now officially set very high, and now homemade cards will be all the craze next year.

Sunday, April 1

It is amazing the things you will do to procrastinate from doing your own homework:

1. laundry (refer to the archives -11.13.2005- to find out how much I despise this activity).
2. clean out the closet.
3. organize the clothes in the closet by length and type.
4. reorganize the contents of the external hard drive.
5. download TV shows for the boyfriend and burn them to a disk.
6. start a jounal.
7. clean the bathroom.
8. go to the grocery store.
9. nap.
10. edit other people's papers for FUN!
11. dust.
12. clean out all of my purses.

And now it is 9:41 p.m. and I have offically run out of excuses. If anyone can think of another loophole please call me. Or just call me in general becuase that would also help me procrastinate for at least nothign 30 minutes.