Tuesday, April 3


Also, today is New Music Tuesday! On a whim, I decided to go to Best Buy and frivolously buy CDs. Which, when you think about it, is sooo old school, considering the rising popularity of iTunes music store. Or maybe it is just me, but I haven't bought a for real CD from the store since.....well, since it's been so long I can't remember.... since my Cowboy Mouth era, I guess. *sheesh!* Anywho, I bought FOUR new ones. (Totally not the Marie you know and love, right?) But it was fun, and they were all on sale. *Three cheers for me*

But before I begin with the musical review, let me talk for a minute about The CD vs. The iTunes Music Store. At first I thought the downloadable CD was ingenious: No bulky cases that you don't quite know what to do with after you put the CD in your HUGE CD trapper keeper that only rolls around on the floorboard behind your passenger seat which is not really a convenient place to have to reach when you are driving and want to change your music. Also, iTunes CDs are cheaper and immediately accessible, which cuts out the middle man: No driving to the store, finding a parking spot, hoping your future purchase is not already sold out and/or out of stock, then standing in line to check out, and finally you loose the risk of chipping your K-9's as you spend a good 10 minutes gnawing at the edge of the case to break the plastic wrap that is somehow soldered to your purchase. But in defense of the old-school CD, there is just something that does not replace the tangible, visual appeal of something you can put your hands on. I am probably a little biased because I am 100% one of the people who "judge a book by it's cover," and if you got no cover, you don't stand much of a chance with me. In fact, I based my decision on three of four purchases tonight, simply on the face that I enjoyed their covers. It's as simple as that.

And as for the musical review: On second thought, I will have to listen to today's secret selection a couple more times before I have a complete and informed review--I would hate to throw out a hasty review based on my initial response. I am undecided at the moment; I'm going to have to chew on this for a while and get back to everyone tomorrow. Au Revoir!


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