Tuesday, April 17

Tragedy in the Laundry Room

Tragedy #1: I washed and dried a red blanket and now the insides of the washer and dryer are stained PINK! (I kid you not!)

Tragedy #2: There is a pile of dirty clothes IN the laundry room!

Tragedy #3: I went to do said laundry and the gallon of liquid detergent fell off the self and BUSTED all over the floor. Soap. Is. Everywhere.


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

Ha! Marie I know for a good laugh I can just visit your blog!!! Too funny. Although you might not agree right now.... Publish your entire set of blogs... in volumes... and they will become best sellers!

6:53 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you should do a bleach load. that should take care of the pink stain, and dingy whites that won't risk becoming dingy pinks.

8:56 PM  
Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

I have discovered a yummy new flavor and brand of the powdered drinks we like so much. Ok, so I was at the grocery store with Bren yesterday, and he saw Mickey Mouse on a box and I picked it up to check it out and it's sugar free, Cherry flavored, and it has 200% Vitamin C. And it was also pretty cheap. Two boxes for $4. 10 in each box. Tastes JUST LIKE a cherry popsicle. YUM!!!! It's made by Disney, too. How much more fun can you have while drinking a sugar-free, vitaminy drink?

10:41 AM  
Blogger Marie said...

Ex-cellent! I can buy it and add a new flavor to the beverage bar I have in my pruse..

7:22 PM  
Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

Oh, and I forgot the most important thing about this new drink: It's dye free, so it doesn't turn your lips OR hands, or countertops red! How cool is that?!

We need to go out for sushi again soon! I'm craving it!

6:33 PM  

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