Sunday, April 1

It is amazing the things you will do to procrastinate from doing your own homework:

1. laundry (refer to the archives -11.13.2005- to find out how much I despise this activity).
2. clean out the closet.
3. organize the clothes in the closet by length and type.
4. reorganize the contents of the external hard drive.
5. download TV shows for the boyfriend and burn them to a disk.
6. start a jounal.
7. clean the bathroom.
8. go to the grocery store.
9. nap.
10. edit other people's papers for FUN!
11. dust.
12. clean out all of my purses.

And now it is 9:41 p.m. and I have offically run out of excuses. If anyone can think of another loophole please call me. Or just call me in general becuase that would also help me procrastinate for at least nothign 30 minutes.


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

You could always quit school and be a receptionist for the rest of your life. That should keep you motivated to do your homework!

6:38 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

don't tempt me.....

7:05 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you could have baked something for your mother with those fancy new spatulas you got, that match your apron with you name on it and use those nice mixing bowls you got - now all you need is a pretty pink mixer!

6:32 AM  

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