Tuesday, April 24

Spring is in the air...

Spring is in the air, folks, and it smells like honeysuckle, freshly cut grass, and ....(wait for it)....fake tan. Three cheers for the 2nd annual "summer tan" by Vaseline Intensive Care Healthy Body Glow Lotion!! I love this stuff....Everyone should try it for a skin-friendly solution to tanning.

Also, have I told you that Thursday night is my very last day of class? (Well, until the Fall.) But nonetheless, I am E-X-C-I-T-E-D!!! Anybody who is a somebody knows how much I despise these classes with all of my soul. This means I get to spend my weekday nights on ME! Working out, catching up on my shows, blogging, playing some Warcarft, reading books for next year, going over lesson plans, you know....fun stuff! Man, I can't wait to be done with this program. Beware readers, you just my get a drunken blog from me somewhere around 1 a.m Friday morning. Weeeeeeee!


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

Too funny! If you want to get drunk, and write a blog, call me so I can get in on the action!!!! LOL! Now you can come to book club!!!! See you tomorrow!!!!!!!!!

8:30 PM  

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