Sunday, June 22

Wallpaper is hung by Satan...

Exciting news:  Matt and I got the keys to the condo earlier than we thought.  We got the call around 3:00 on Thursday that the tenants had moved out and it was ready for us to move in.  So, by 3:30 we were on the road and headed to Starkville to see the place.  We stayed up all night cleaning cabinets and bathrooms; patching nail holes in the wall (and the previous owner was like "Oooo-we!  I love poking me some holes in the walls!"); wiping down walls and baseboards; and tearing down wallpaper.  

And let me tell you a thing or two about wallpaper:  First of all, whoever thought wallpaper was ever a good idea for home decor can go take a long walk off a short pier.  The wallpaper in the kitchen was heinous AND it covered all four walls in the kitchen!  We planned to take it all down and paint the kitchen a bright spring green color.  And everyone we talked to was like "Oh, its easy--should come down in SHEETS!"  I call those people liars.  That wallpaper came down in tiny, tiny pieces.  We used wallpaper remover, hot water, and brute force.  It was miserable.  There was a lot of spackling to be done afterwards in the places where we took our aggressions out on the wall.  We still have about a foot wide boarder around the top of the two walls, where they didn't prime underneath and it's welded to the sheet rock.  (...Excellent...)

Tomorrow we get to go back and paint, which is the fun part.  So I will be sure to post some before-and-after shots at the end of the week!


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

Oh, Marie. When you called me Thursday to tell me your plans about the condo and the wallpaper, I wanted to warn you, but didn't want to sound like a party-pooper....I was one of those people who initially thought stripping wallpaper was easy....the top layer was. Then there was the underlying glue to deal with. Yeah... Brennan's bathroom? The one I started a month ago? (Well, more like two months) It's still under "construction". I just got frustrated and left it for awhile. So, good luck with the remainder.... I don't envy you at all.

We need to go out before the wedding. Tell me when.

And also, don't think I won't take you up on your offer of a painting for the nursery. There's nothing like original artwork!

7:49 PM  
Blogger Natalie said...

Oh my gosh. Wallpaper sucks. I remember helping my mom remove awful 60s wallpaper (we're talking felt pink and green flowers) from a bathroom in our old house. awful. But you will feel so satisfied when it's all done and looks fab. But only after you're pissed off and miserable in the process. Maybe you can have a mini-wallpaper bonfire to send it back to whence it came?

9:35 AM  

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