Monday, April 16

Little Known Fact

Here is a little known fact that you may or may not know: When I am stessed, I enjoy clipping and collecting recipies to one day put into my "Marie's Ulitimate Homemade Cookbook." I also enjoy cooking and baking when I am bored. I am not sure why, but I find it all very relaxing-- hours of endless entertainment. For instance, when Matt was deployed to Afghanistan, and I was stuck in Tucson all by my lonesome, I would spend whole weekends watching cooking shows on Food Network, and cutting every last recipe out of my REALsimplemagazine, gluing them to individual 5x7 note cards, hole punching them, and organizing them into my three-ringed binder o' cooking splendor (side note: REALsimple magazine =REALLYawesome).

Sure, I have no desire to eat coconut curry soup, or roasted pork tenderloin with prune glaze, or any of those fancy-schmancy recipes that call for "fennel" or "chutney" (bleh). But one day I might NEED them, and so I MUST have them in my recipe repertoire, nonetheless. So this weekend I was very busy clipping and cutting and pasting and arranging. And it was lovely. You should try it sometime.


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

AAAwww thanks for your sweet comment about Brennan. I must admit, he is pretty darned cute.... Hey, where did you go today? You were gone in a flash. I guess I didn't even know you were leaving.

6:07 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

It's Tuesday. I always leave early for class on Tuesday and Thursday. And then tomorrow I have to leave at 2:30 so I can make it to an English department meeting. Weeeee!

6:46 PM  
Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

Oh. That's why I didn't know. I don't normally work on Tuesdays so I was a little lost. Lost without you. What are we gonna do when you leave us for good?

6:54 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

Cry? will defiantly cry.

6:56 PM  
Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

I WILL cry. Makes me sad to even think about it. I want to cry right now.

6:09 AM  

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