Sunday, February 24

Yeah, this might surprise some readers,
but I think its awesome and inspiring ...
Not to mention that it is an AP Language
teacher's pet: Just LOOK at all the
rhetorical strategies--Antimetabole,
Allusion, Asyndeton,Personification
Synecdoche, Anaphora...


Thursday, February 21

So Distracted....

Amazing news:  Tomorrow, Matt leaves Fort Huachuca and the Army for good.  I can't believe it....48 hours until he is back in Jackson:  the countdown has begun!

Seriously people, update your blogs!  I cannot focus on any of my school work and the least you can do is entertain me with your updated blogs.  Geez!


Ok, so I stole this from Natalie's blog, but I thought I should spread the word... My heart goes out to the blonde headed boy and his lunchable...
Find more videos like this on People's Improv Theater

Wednesday, February 20

Lunar Eclipse?

Quote of the day: "Oh well, so much for science!"

So my roommate and I are outside on our balcony, braving the wind and the sprinkles to try to the see the lunar eclipse that is being blocked by clouds and city lights and apartment building #300. At least we tried. "Oh well, so much for science..."

Monday, February 18

Damn it!!!

.....I have wrinkles.....


Tuesday, February 12

Show Me Your Dishes!

No me your dishes.  I guess I've never really paid attention to people's dishes when I eat at their house.  I know Holly has fiesta ware and my parents have these beige color plates with like stalks of wheat on them or something, but.....What does the rest of America have?  See the thing is, I am now shopping for dishes.  Or, rather, I should say I'm OBSESSED with shopping for dishes.  I mean, I want everything and nothing all at the same time.  I've looked online at Belk, Linen's and Things, Bed Bath and Beyond, Pottery Barn, and Macy's.  (PS--Does dinnerware exist anywhere else?  You let me know...) I've seen a million patterns and they are all...well....ugly.  Nothing that screams I WANT TO LIVE WITH MATT AND MARIE!!!!  You know?  What if today I really like Fire by Denby, but tomorrow they look dated and out of style?  What if I register for these blue plates, but they don't match my future kitchen?  And seriously, how many sets of dishes does one girl--who really hates washing dishes in the first place--need?  All these "How to Get Married" books tell me that I should register for like FIVE various types of china.  Now, I know I want my formal dinnerware to be plain-jane white.  But what about my everyday stuff?  On what kind of plates should I eat grilled cheese and leftover meatloaf?  THESE ARE THE THINGS THAT KEEP ME UP AT NIGHT!!!  
So, if any one has suggestions on dishes and/or where to purchase said dishes.  Please post your comment...
Also, I have recently included Matt in my quest for the perfect dinnerware.  Let's just say there was a skull-and-cross-bones coffee mug involved...clearly I need to seek outside advice....

February 12th

Wow!  I just realized something HUGE:  Five months from today....I'll be.......MARRIED! 


Sunday, February 10


This is just to say that I am sick and tired of writing these damn papers!!! I will be so glad when these Belhaven classes are over. Two papers down; 4 more to go....

For Mandy...

There is this AMAZING candle that I got for Christmas--Cherry Cobbler. I started burning it the other day, and it is the most fragrant thing ever!! I had it in my bathroom so that I could enjoy it while I sat at my computer and wrote papers all day; lets just say it filled the whole house with the smell of dessert. Right now its not even lit, and I can still smell it. Good stuff! And it's all handmade by a lady in Byram. Hooray for local businesses!

(PS--perhaps I should explain to avoid any confusion: So, I have a master bedroom, so my bathroom is connected to my bedroom. I didn't want you to get the idea that I type my papers in the bathroom....)

Saturday, February 9

Damn you, Diet Coke!!!!

So I gave up soft drinks for Lent. I am now tired and grumpy all the time. And my head is pounding. And I am looking here at this glass of Tea saying, "Come know you're just as good as those other guys..." But its not; its all a lie; the Tea is a colossal let down.

Friday, February 8

Six more to go!!

Excellent news: Thanks to Weight Watchers, I am within SIX pounds of my wedding weight!

Good News: My clothes don't fit!!!
Bad News: My clothes don't fit??!!

Seriously, none of my work clothes fit. At first, all my pants were loose, and that was kinda flattering, but now I look at these wonderful pants that I bought just 6 months ago, and they are literally falling off my body. How annoying! And I have no money for new clothes. Who knew loosing weight was going to be so expensive??

Sunday, February 3

And nothing gets me out of the blogger's rut quite like some T-Rex!

what adult life is actually like: "ooh, a new kind of cream cheese! i - i should try this on a bagel."

Adult life actually goes more like this: "oooo! A new cream cheese?!! I should try this on a beagle!"

Gigantic Update

1. Matty is finally HOME!!! See: here is proof: I went to Arizona to visit him over Martin Luther King Weekend. He was splendid; just the way I left him. Also, I miss Tucson and Sierra Vista enormously. I cried when I left, not so much because I was saying good bye to Matt (again....i feel this is a theme with us?), but because I knew it would be a long time before I was there again.

2. I bought a new camera! Mostly because neither one of us had a camera when I went to visit, but also because I old Kodak is on its last leg. I have an Olympus now. Its smaller than a deck of cards and takes quality pictures. It is my new favorite toy...

3. WEIGHT WATCHERS!!!! I have joined weight watchers. By far one of the best things that has happened to me (third only to 1) being born and 2) getting engaged). I love it! I'm doing the online version and its almost addicting! I love counting points and finding healthier alternatives to the foods I enjoy. Who knew that loosing weight could be so easy! (I swear I could be an Ad)

4. And going along with the whole weight watchers thing, let me mention this: COLLAR BONES! Yay! I told myself I want to loose just enough weight so that my collar bones poke out of my wedding dress. Nothing too gross and bony, but just enough so that people know they are there. And now I totally have them; How exciting!!

5. Cons: Collar bones feel gross!

6. Fiber One! My new favorite snack: Peanut butter and oats Fiber One bars. They are sweet chewy goodness in every bite. They are 3 weight watchers points well spent. However, sometimes they are so good that I feel compelled to eat FOUR. I don't....mostly because of the insane amount of fiber in just one (9 grams). I pity the fool who actually ATTEMPTS to eat four....