So, I just has to share: I logged in to my bank account to check my money situation, and saw triple zeros for my credit card balance. What a beautiful sight...havent seen that one in a long while! Now I feel the need to purchase something with it!!
Wednesday, September 27
Monday, September 25
Goodbye Krispy Kreme; Goodbye Reason to Live...

Sunday, September 24
Life Lesson #4: Ink stains

Monday, September 18
Pull out the sweaters and thermal underwear...
You know you live in the desert when it is 89 degrees outside and it still feels like fall.
Sunday, September 17
Date Night DISASTER!!!

Tuesday, September 12
Boo Crazy Yoga Lady; Hooray Ice Cream!

Monday, September 11
Do's and Dont's

Do #1: Drink more Fresca. I had never heard of this wonderful beverage until my visit to Canada. And this was the ONLY thing Fiona had in her fridge to drink. The original is not that great, but you MUST try the Peach Citrus Freshca. Gooooood stuff!
Don't #1: Watch The exorcism of Emily Rose by yourself (I would post a picture, but I'm too freaked out that I can't bring myself to google for pictures). So me and Matt were in the mood for a good scare this weekend. I was all about a good ole fashioned scary movie, but the chicken in me was yelling, "MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" when he suggested this one. This movie is good, but down right frightening.
Do #2: Try the new peach smoothie from Sonic. It is thick and creamy and fat-free with real peaches that get stuck in the straw. I give it two thumbs up!

Don't #2: Dont buy into the fancy-schmancy new "Oxygenated Water." I bought it because it was on sale, but now that I think about it...isn't all water, by it's very nature, "oxygenated." I mean if it weren't, you would just have "H2_" And I'm not a chemistry major, but I don't think that makes water....
Do #3: Invest in a Buttercream Yankee Candle. It makes your whole house smell like cake and that is the smell of happiness.

Sunday, September 10
Name-Brand vs. Off-Brand: Round 1

I have decided that store-brand macaroni and cheese is WAAAAAAAAAAY better than Kraft! That cute kid on the commercial, who dances around his kitchen singing the praises of Kraft® Macaroni and Cheese, had been LIED to his whole life!!!! I find Kraft not exactly the "cheesiest." The cheese is kinda runny and very bland. It needs salt. But the off-brand variety, on the other hand, is an entirely differentt story. There is something about that neon orange cheese sauce that is so thick and creamy and delicious. AND its always like 50 cents cheaper. Who can argue with that?!!
Saturday, September 9
Thursday, September 7

Monday, September 4
Let's talk college football...
What a fun weekend in the wide-world of college football. And so many good games to be had on ESPN: Ole Miss won over Memphis--that was a good game. And Georgia gave ND a run for their money--another good game. Then, we end the weekend with the Florida State/ Miami game. Now, I am not a big fan of either team, but there was so much talk about this game that I had to watch it...Until I realized it was in that new ESPN 360 crap. What ADD fool invented that whirlwind of chaos? I was so distracted by everything going on in the EIGHT different frames that I could not follow one single play. Who cares what the guys on the sidelines is doing when the quarterback is under pressure on a 3rd down? I just think it is all a little unnecessary. It must be a guy thing....
Sunday, September 3
I am the Ironchef
Okay, I think I might be like the best cook in the world; I defiantly deserve my own cooking show (Rachael Ray has nothing on me!). So this weekend, Matt and I perused the Southern Living cookbook I got for Christmas, and we each picked a meal we wanted to cook. Today was my day, and I made a smoked BBQ brisket--O...M...G!!! It was sooooo good.
Beef: $10.00
Bottle of wine: $8.00
Marinade: $5 and 24 hours
Slaving over a hot stove: 6 hours
Matt whining that it was taking too long: 1.5 hours
The end result: priceless!!!
I would take a picture, but we pretty much ate the whole thing and in under 20 mins. I should also mention that yesterday (Matt's day to cook) he decided on fried fish and baked beans. I will also share with you the quote of the day: Matt turns to me on our way home from the grocery store and says, "Now I want to be the one to cook the fish, okay? That's my meal, I get to cook it......(silence) do understand that this means you will do all the cooking and I will just take all the credit...." But to give the boy credit, he did help a lot in the kitchen. He made his own batter and did an awesome job of dredging, battering, and frying the fish. And I did an awesome job of doing the dishes.