Monday, September 11

I clearly remember where I was five years ago today. I was living on the 5th floor of Crosby, getting ready for my 9 AM World Lit class. I was standing over the sink brushing my teeth, and Katie bursts in yelling, "Marie, we are being attacked by terrorists!" And of course, knowing me, I'm like, "what's that supposed to mean?" And she's telling me something about a plane crash, and I'm thinking to myself: "This is a tragedy, but I don't see why she is so upset; accidents happen all the time." By this point, I'm so confused and running late. I get to my class and the professor, who is German, announces in her very thick accent, "If you haven't already heard, the United States is being attacked, apparently by a terrorist organization. But, what can we do? Lets read on..." And we continued to discuss Emily Dickinson or some crap for the next 45 mins. Then, walking back to my dorm, I see people flocking to the Union and conjuring around all the TV's. This is when I get the first glimpse of what is really happening. Classes were cancelled for the rest of the day, and everyone spent the next 48 hours in front of CNN. I remember calling Matthew that night because he always knows how to explain these things that I never fully understand. And the first thing he told me was that he was going to go into the Army. I begged and pleaded for him not to, but he was very adamant about the whole thing. And five years later, here we are. Matt leaves for his second deployment in less than a month. You are doing a very good thing, Matt, and I am very proud of you!


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