Sunday, September 17

Date Night DISASTER!!!

This is one for the history books: On Saturday night, Matt and I decided to go to the drive-in movie, one of our favorite date night destinations. So Matt cleaned out the ice chest and loaded it up with drinks, and I popped us some popcorn. On our way, we stop at Sonic to get a couple Route 44 Limeades (Matt's latest addiction). So, now I am holding these two obscenely large syrupy sweet drinks that are filled to the top. From here, a tragic chain of events threatens to ruin date night. I am putting Matt's straw in his drink, which is in the cup holder, and he is complaining that it is dripping. So I steady my drink between my legs while I try to fix his lid problem. THEN...Somehow, my straw goes through the bottom of the drink sitting in my lap and cherry limeade is gushing everywhere!! I'm holding the leaking keg of juice out over the floor board. I've got Matt's drink between my legs now, while I'm trying to roll down the window with the other hand. Matt is able to plug the hole with his finger, but has to let go in order to shift. By this time the busted Route 44 has completely drained out and all over me. Matt slams on the breaks and pulls over to the side of the road. THEN...The other Limeade, which was balancing between my knees, breaks free and heads straight for the floorboad, BUT I am able to catch it with my cat-like reflexes. Unfortunately, my gorilla-grip busted the side of the cup and my whole hand goes through. Another Route 44 goes down! My jeans are soaking wet from the waist down, and there is a small lagoon of Limeade at my feet. I do not handle this well at all. I start crying because date night is ruined. And did I mention that just hours before, Matt and I went to the car wash to get his whole car cleaned both inside and out? So much for that. So we drive home, sticky and dejected. About halfway home, though, we start laughing hysterically, and what a good laugh it was!! Good ole Matt, being the eternal optimist, manages to save date night anyways. In the end, we made it back to Sonic for two more drinks (I was a little nervous, but it worked out much better the second time) and made it to the Drive-In for the double feature (Beerfest and Accepted). Two movies for two people for $12....Excellent deal.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

My car smells of lime, which actually isn't to bad of a deal.

1:30 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

Just something to remember me by :)

6:26 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you two have as much happen on date night as dad and the time we were driving down I-20, passing a semi and and hood of the car flies up and covers the windshield, or the time his pinto rolled down the street and backed into a telephone, missing a cadallac by inches or when.....

7:41 AM  
Blogger Marie said...

....whoa....i am suprised the two of you even survived the courtship...

8:18 PM  

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