Monday, September 11

Do's and Dont's

Do #1: Drink more Fresca. I had never heard of this wonderful beverage until my visit to Canada. And this was the ONLY thing Fiona had in her fridge to drink. The original is not that great, but you MUST try the Peach Citrus Freshca. Gooooood stuff!

Don't #1: Watch
The exorcism of Emily Rose by yourself (I would post a picture, but I'm too freaked out that I can't bring myself to google for pictures). So me and Matt were in the mood for a good scare this weekend. I was all about a good ole fashioned scary movie, but the chicken in me was yelling, "MAYDAY! MAYDAY!" when he suggested this one. This movie is good, but down right frightening.

Do #2: Try the new peach smoothie from Sonic. It is thick and creamy and fat-free with real peaches that get stuck in the straw. I give it two thumbs up!

Don't #2: Dont buy into the fancy-schmancy new "Oxygenated Water." I bought it because it was on sale, but now that I think about it...isn't all water, by it's very nature, "oxygenated." I mean if it weren't, you would just have "H2_" And I'm not a chemistry major, but I don't think that makes water....

Do #3: Invest in a Buttercream Yankee Candle. It makes your whole house smell like cake and that is the smell of happiness.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I can't believe they still make that stuff. whenever we visited my grandparents friends, that was what they served us as kids, BIG YUCK, to me it always tasted like i imagined alkaseltzer would taste!

2:03 PM  

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