Tuesday, October 31
Monday, October 30

Saturday, October 28

Friday, October 27
This Time I Wish I Were A Loser

Boo this game; I want some cake!
Thursday, October 26
Monday, October 23
Parents Weekend

There was ALOT of cleaning to be done, so that is why my blog was abandoned for the majority of last week. And of course, Thursday night before their plane got in, I remebered that the parents are WORTHLESS without their coffee, so I went back to the school and stole the coffee pot from the teachers lounge. You know your in for a fun weekend when something gets stolen!
Friday: Mommy fixed me breakfast. We stopped by my work so that my parents can meet some of the crazies that I work with. Then we to the highly acclaimed Dessert Museum. For dinner, we ate at the best Mexican Restraunt in the world, La Parilla Suiza.
Saturday: Me and Mommy got a pedicure in the morning, while dad watched football. Then we drove to Mt. Lemmon and watched the sunset. For dinner, we grilled steaks.
Sunday: We had brunch, we watched some football, then we went to Sabino Canyon for more sunset.
Monday: Took the parents to the airport at 3AM, came home for a quick nap before I had to be at work at 6:45. Returned the stolen coffee pot to the teachers lounge.
Tuesday, October 17
Where are the homeless people when you need them?
This weekend, Matt and I went out to eat at Outback Steakhouse with another couple. And of course, we filled up on yummy appetizer before our meal came, and by that time we were full. Knowing that it is a sin for steak and shrimp to go to waste, Matt and I decided that we were going to give our leftovers to a homeless person. I was very excited about out little adventure! We drove from one side of town to the other scouting out all the empty parking lots, grocery store fronts, and back alleys looking for someone who might like a bite to eat, and what do you know.....We couldn't find a homeless person in the whole town. We did slow down for grungy looking teenager with salvation army clothes and a disheveled hair, but the ipod and cell phone totally ruined his homeless-person image. But let it be known that we tried to do a good deed, but the lack of homeless people ruined everything!
Thursday, October 12
My New Friend

Monday, October 9
Whoa. So I was just flipping through the channels looking for the news, and I came across this story(apparently there is nothing note worthy going on in the WORLD this evening). And I quote,
"Leann Real promised her husband, an avid sports fan, that if they ever had a son he'd get to pick the name. ESPN Montana Real was born this week at Biloxi Regional Medical Center."ESPN??!! ARE YOU KIDDING ME??!!! Unfortunatly for this kid, his parents forgot to consider the fact that he might actually grow up and go to school and be pointed and laughted at by his peers. Matt, I love you, but MMORPG is out of the question!
Club Crawl 2006

Wednesday, October 4
Making New Friends Everyday

Sunday, October 1
Movies in Review

Next up: The Covenant. Basically, teenage boys, who all happen to be witches, fighting over their powers in the vein of a typical scary movie. Very cheesy-AKA-the electricity was out, it rained every day, and the girl was ALWAYS walking home through the woods. The best line of the movie was, "I'm going to make you my WI-ATCH." Hahahaha, man, that still cracks me up. I think you know better than to waste your time on this one.