Wednesday, October 4

Making New Friends Everyday

So today at work, I built a new raport with two students. And it turns out that we bonded over, of all things, The World of Warcraft. There are these two brothers who I have butted heads with in the past, either because I have to get on to them for sleeping in class, or talking, etc... This morning they walk in, and the older brother looks as if he has not slept in days. One of his friends is like, "Dude, late night?' and the younger brother says, "Haha, this looser was up all night playing Warcraft!" My ears perk up and I'm like, "What did you say?" And he's like, "Oh, its this game..." And they kinda shake their heads and roll their eyes as if to say, "Don't worry about it; You wouldn't understand." Let's just say I suprised the hell out of them when I said, "Oh, really, I play W.o.W" After a few seconds of wide-eyes, staring at me as if I spoke in tounges, they got really excited. So we spent a few minutes talking about our characters and professions and horde vs. alliance. And I think my shining moment came when I said, "Yeah, I have a level 60 Warlock and a level 16 Rogue...." The younger brother was immidiately like, "Dude! Teacher is kicking your ASS!!! This guy is only at level 24 and he has been playing FOREVER!!!" And the kid was like, "Shut up! I've only been playing for four months!" And I said, "That's just pathetic, I made it to 60 in five months; you need to quit being a slacker and pick up the pace!" And that is when I crossed over to the land of respected teachers. It was great. And I noticed that for the rest of the day both brothers stopped sleeping, got more work done, they asked me for help more often, and actually started getting somewhere with their classes. The younger brother finished up two classes today and earned a credit. I was proud. And it was all because of the World of Warcraft: Bringing the most unlikely people together one day at a time.


Blogger Natalie said...

okay so i have a link to your blog on mine, right. well i link to my friend molly's too. and i guess sh reads yours as well because yesterday she said: "so how do you know Marie?" I replied, "she's a sorority sister,why?" Molly: "because she's freaking funny."

Ha! you are famous in the land of blogs. I love reading your posts and i'm so happy you are a cool teacher, i always knew you had it in you. ;)

5:18 PM  
Blogger Marie said...


6:12 AM  

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