Saturday, February 9

Damn you, Diet Coke!!!!

So I gave up soft drinks for Lent. I am now tired and grumpy all the time. And my head is pounding. And I am looking here at this glass of Tea saying, "Come know you're just as good as those other guys..." But its not; its all a lie; the Tea is a colossal let down.


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

Don't even go there!!! I've had to give up my beloved coffee in the mornings. For NINE months! I feel the same way about the decaff version of coffee as you feel about the tea.

7:39 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

Oh wow....nine months is a long time....a long scary time. No diet coke for nine months??!! Perhaps I will have to reconsider everything....

9:33 PM  

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