Friday, March 31


I apologize to all my fans for not having daily blog update. Its just that life has kinda slowed down. Nothing new or exciting or humorous to report. But I do have these break news stories.

1. A new student enrolled this week, and I could tell when I looked at him that he was not from around here. And guess take a wild guess where he is from...Brandon, Mississippi. Where did he go to school? Northwest Rankin. Talk about excitement! I asked him if he knew where "The River" was, and he knew exactly what I was talking about. It was fun to talk to someone about a place and you can both say, "I know where that is!!" Which doesn't happen to me much here in Tucson, seeing as how I have the sense of direction of a wet mop.

2. The tax return came! The tax return came! It feels like Christmas!

3. I have my own World of Warcaft account now. It is fun, and just one more way that I can estalk my boyfriend :)

Monday, March 27

Christmas in Dixie 2006?

Great News: I have a job lined up for the next six months! The school that I am teaching at now eagerly extended me a 6 month contract so that I can stay in Arizona with Matt until he leaves. I am so excited! I love it when I get my way! So now my future looks a little more focused, a little more certain: I'll be here in Tucson until December '06 (PS-that grand scheme to move to the same town as Matt fell through) Then I will be on my way to Mississippi by Christmas. Is anyone else thinking what I'm thinking? Christmas in Dixie 2006 ?!!!

Tuesday, March 21

Life Lesson: Baking

Another life lessoned learned: When baking cookies, do not run out of flour. If the recipe calls for a cup of flour, it really means "I need exactly ONE cup of flour." Do not naively assume you can use 1/4 of cup of flour instead, just because you ran out. Also, do not attempt to substitute flour for another floury substance like...Oh, I don't know...Pancake mix. It just doesn't work folks.

Just another Tuesday

I was SO bored at work today. It was awful! I wanted to poke my eyes out! There was NOTHING to do. NO ONE showed up for my classes. But I did find this website. And it made me roll around in laughter. Not that I have anything against males cheerleaders, but this was funny nonetheless. Check it out: Why Male Cheerleader?! WHY?!

In other news, one of my students told me all about how her older brother (also a student at our school) is in love with me. Awk-ward! Apparently, he talks about me all the time at home. He was absent today, but he told his sister to say 'hi' for him and to ask me if I had a boyfriend. Thank God, I do have a boyfriend whom I love him. Yeah, that was just an awkward conversation for everyone involved.

Sunday, March 19


Don't tell anyone, but this weekend I dabbled in the World of Warcraft. Matt finally wore me down with his begging. I'm not sure what happened: One minute I am standing my ground, and the next thing I know, I am at the computer creating a new character. I'm like a girly-warlock, or something. I ran around, completed a few quests, pillaged a new pair of boots, I even got my own gremlin side-kick. And I will admit....I had fun. There. I said it. I liked it. And I wouldn't mind playing again. I even had a crazy dream about hunting wolves for new magic spells. *Sigh* Who knows, I might even get my own account so that we can play together sometime.

Wednesday, March 15

You will NOT believe it....

Apartment inspections are tomorrow, and I am cleaning the place up so they won't kick me out for being dirty. So I am taking out the trash, and it is annoying because there is a gate around my apartment building, and you always have to remember to bring your gate key with you, or else you are locked out of the whole frickin complex, and you have to wait for someone to randomly walk by and let you in. (Now, I have been locked out many a time. If only this had been my biggest problem of the night...) It was about the time I started walking back toward the gate that I realize I ACCIDENTALLY THREW MY KEYS IN THE DUMPSTER ALONG WITH MY TRASH!!! I turned around and stared at the dumpster in disbelief for about 10 minutes before I accepted the fact that I was going in. (Lets keep in mind that my gate key is on my key ring with every other important key in my life.) Luckily, as I am sliding open the side door of the dumpster, getting ready to crawl in, a car pulls into my parking lot. In a panic, I flag the poor guy down, who probably just got home from a long day at the Air Force base, and the last thing he wants to do is talk to the crazy girl who is climbing out of a BFI smelling of garbage. I tell him my sad story, he laughs, I try not to cry, he offers me a flashlight. So he held the flashlight while I climbed in the dumpster and rummaged around for my keys. They were eventually found, but let me tell you...It was a harrowing experience that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy.

I'm just kidding-I made that whole story up. I am out of new material.

Tuesday, March 14

Fun and Games

I was bored, so I made a quiz. This takes me back to the good ole college days when midterms came around, and people were scrambling for any and every form of procrastination they could find, thus the advent of the Friend Quiz (Facebook was before my time). So go ahead, take the quiz, you know you want to...

Take The Quiz

Monday, March 13

On the Move...

Now that the Parents know, I guess I can make this official: I am moving to Sierra Vista. I have decided not to move back to Jackson this summer, as I had originally planned. Instead, I will be moving to Sierra Vista and living there until December when Matt either gets our of the ARMY or is deployed to Iraq, whichever comes first. The more I think about it, the more it baffles me why I ever said I was going to move back home this summer to begin with. It is very clear to me now that this is where I need to be. Sorry, Melissa, but the LOST Seasons 1 and 2 Marathon will have to be post-poned until further notice.

However, if anyone plans to visit (Holly, Fiona..I'm looking at you...) be forewarned that Sierra Vista is even more devastatingly boring that Tucson, if that is even possible. Again, I will be the most exciting thing in Sierra Vista.

Sunday, March 12

It snowed in the mountains last night!! Here is a picture; there was much more snow than that this moring; most of it has melted away. However, don't be confused: Yes, I can see snow from my bedroom window, but it is still the dead of summer here in Tucson.

Friday, March 10

I Miss Crawfish...

Just one more thing that has not yet made its way West of the Mississippi. With it being Lent and all, I thought I would boil some shrimp and potatoes for dinner tonight. Shrimp was even on sale at the grocery store. This made me very excited....Until I went to three different grocery stores that did not even stock shrimp boil. I mean, who are these people?! Where am I?! This is insanity! (And don't even get me started on how these people don't know about crawfish!!) So yes, very sad, very disheartening. Eventually, I did find some boil-in-a-bag, but none of the liquid boil that gives you all that spiciness. *Sigh*...I am surrounded by adobe-dwelling idiots.

Thursday, March 9

The Audacity...

I have really come to love some of my students; I will really miss them and their drama next year. This sweet little ninth grade girl, in particular, I have really built a rapport with over the past year. Then, our student/teacher relationship came crashing to the ground: The other day, I was sitting at my desk eating a much needed chocolate-covered donut. She sees this and comes over and says, "Oooooo! Miss, that is going to go straight to your thighs!" I was flabberghasted! The audacity of kids these day....

Wednesday, March 8

Quote of the Day

"Those were the days...And the nights weren't bad either."

Here is a picture from Tucson: The Good Ole Days, before all of Matt's friend were deployed/reassigned/discharged from the army. There is this wonderful oasis of a bar in Tucson that is like the Dollar Tree of bars: everything is a dollar. Longnecks? Mixed drinks? Shots? Jager-bombs? All a dollar! Perfect for the overworked and underpaid! Those were fun times; I miss those guys....

Monday, March 6

Way Down South in Mississippi....

Ya'll, I talked to my brother for over an hour tonight about college. I mean, are you sure he's old enough for college?! He asked about dorms and classes and teachers and what exactly a "credit hour" was. Oh, those were the days! If only I could do it all over again, how I would do it so differently! So there you have it: Michael will be an freshman at Ole Miss next year... Good luck to ya little brother!

Sunday, March 5

Electronics Hate Me: Part 1

I swear! I have the worst luck with electronics: The TV in my bedroom blew a few months ago, I just got rid of my laptop because it failed to turn on and/or locate my operating system, my universal TV remote is a universal piece of crap, and this past Tuesday my brand-new, top of the line, flat panel monitor decided not to work anymore. Luckily, Matt has a back-up for everything, so he let me borrow his old monitor. However, he decided that it is the video card in my computer that is the problem. So the computer as a whole is still on the blink until I can make it over to the Apple store. *Sigh*

Other than that, I had a wonderfully relaxing weekend: We ordered pizza, watched Walk The Line, and made ourselves completely worthless and unproductive. I wish every day was the weekend...
Oh yeah, and here is a great picture of me and Matt. We have very few pictures together, so this is a favorite. However, despite my best attempts, my printer refuses to print it out for me.. Story of my life!