You will NOT believe it....
Apartment inspections are tomorrow, and I am cleaning the place up so they won't kick me out for being dirty. So I am taking out the trash, and it is annoying because there is a gate around my apartment building, and you always have to remember to bring your gate key with you, or else you are locked out of the whole frickin complex, and you have to wait for someone to randomly walk by and let you in. (Now, I have been locked out many a time. If only this had been my biggest problem of the night...) It was about the time I started walking back toward the gate that I realize I ACCIDENTALLY THREW MY KEYS IN THE DUMPSTER ALONG WITH MY TRASH!!! I turned around and stared at the dumpster in disbelief for about 10 minutes before I accepted the fact that I was going in. (Lets keep in mind that my gate key is on my key ring with every other important key in my life.) Luckily, as I am sliding open the side door of the dumpster, getting ready to crawl in, a car pulls into my parking lot. In a panic, I flag the poor guy down, who probably just got home from a long day at the Air Force base, and the last thing he wants to do is talk to the crazy girl who is climbing out of a BFI smelling of garbage. I tell him my sad story, he laughs, I try not to cry, he offers me a flashlight. So he held the flashlight while I climbed in the dumpster and rummaged around for my keys. They were eventually found, but let me tell you...It was a harrowing experience that I wouldn't wish upon my worst enemy. I'm just kidding-I made that whole story up. I am out of new material.
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