Electronics Hate Me: Part 1
I swear! I have the worst luck with electronics: The TV in my bedroom blew a few months ago, I just got rid of my laptop because it failed to turn on and/or locate my operating system, my universal TV remote is a universal piece of crap, and this past Tuesday my brand-new, top of the line, flat panel monitor decided not to work anymore. Luckily, Matt has a back-up for everything, so he let me borrow his old monitor. However, he decided that it is the video card in my computer that is the problem. So the computer as a whole is still on the blink until I can make it over to the Apple store. *Sigh*
Other than that, I had a wonderfully relaxing weekend: We ordered pizza, watched Walk The Line, and made ourselves completely worthless and unproductive. I wish every day was the weekend... Oh yeah, and here is a great picture of me and Matt. We have very few pictures together, so this is a favorite. However, despite my best attempts, my printer refuses to print it out for me.. Story of my life!
That is a great picture of the two of you!
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