Friday, March 31


I apologize to all my fans for not having daily blog update. Its just that life has kinda slowed down. Nothing new or exciting or humorous to report. But I do have these break news stories.

1. A new student enrolled this week, and I could tell when I looked at him that he was not from around here. And guess take a wild guess where he is from...Brandon, Mississippi. Where did he go to school? Northwest Rankin. Talk about excitement! I asked him if he knew where "The River" was, and he knew exactly what I was talking about. It was fun to talk to someone about a place and you can both say, "I know where that is!!" Which doesn't happen to me much here in Tucson, seeing as how I have the sense of direction of a wet mop.

2. The tax return came! The tax return came! It feels like Christmas!

3. I have my own World of Warcaft account now. It is fun, and just one more way that I can estalk my boyfriend :)


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