Thursday, August 31

Ah, the THRILL of kickoff!!!

Ah, the thrill of kickoff! So, it is currently halftime for the State vs. South Carolina game (I will go ahead and blog about this now, just in case State looses and we are all sad and depressed later). I can't describe it, but maybe those of you who are living away from home can relate to me: The fact that I am looking at Scott Field on TV, and I can vividly see in my mind's eye what lies behind the gates of the stadium, that whole sense of familiarity that everyone here in Arizona who is watching the game at the bar in Applebee's can't relate to... All of that makes me feel like I'm at home. And I know it's highly improbable, but I still study the faces of the people on sidelines and in the crowd of the Mississippi State student section on the off chance that I might see someone I know. And the fact that I have that 1% chance of seeing that one random person I know or even just kinda sorta know through a friend.....Or from stalking friends of friends of friends on facebook....that kinda makes me feel at home too. Anyone follow me on that? ... No? ... Just me? ....

No Comment??

I am just going to comment on the fact that NO ONE has commented on the most exciting blog in months. I weidled a firearm, people!!!! What else do I need to do to impress you?!?!?!?!?!

Sunday, August 27

The Most Exciting Blog in MONTHS!!!!

Okay! So let me preface this by saying that I am deathly afraid of guns--all kinds of guns--even unloaded guns. I know it's irrational, but I feel like even an unloaded gun might actually go off and injure someone--quite possibly me. I don't like being around them at all; they freak me out like snakes. However, my dad has a shotgun, and my boyfriend like plays with guns for a living, so I have decided that I need to overcome my fear. So, on Saturday I told Matt that I wanted to go to the shooting range. At first he laughed, then he realized I was serious. When we got there, they handed me a revolver, a box of ammo, some earmuffs and safety goggles and basically said "have at it!" I believe I started out with a .38 Special. I practiced a couple times while the thing was unloaded, and my hands were still shaking and sweating profusely. I suddenly felt not at all ready for this. But, Matt pushed me up to my lane and loaded my gun for me. The first couple of rounds were all kinda a blur -- possibly because my eyes were closed when I pulled the trigger -- I think the first 5 shots landed in the rafters. But then, I got the hang of it and waddaya know? I won't lie to you: I'm pretty good. Two boxes of ammo later....I'm like "WooHoo! Let's try a NEW gun!" So I moved on up to the 9 millimeter. This one kicked a little more, but gave me much better results. You see that one stray shot in the lower right hand corner? That was round #1, all the rest were right in the middle! Then me and Matt started aiming for the #8s to see who was better. He did alright.... I wont say whose marks are whose ;) Next time, we'll keep score.

Even writing about it now, I can't believe I actually did it. It doesn't sound like me at all. But I am SO glad I tried it. I challenge all my readers to conquer a fear this week.

Wednesday, August 23


When I was in high school, I lived off of Lean PocketsĀ®. I literally ate them every day for lunch. And I remember them being this wonderful, mouth-watering,satisfying hand-held meal. I have since rediscovered the Lean Pocket, but with much disappointment. I feel there is NOTHING inside that pocket. Take for instance my lunch today-- I had the ham and cheese. But when I bit into it, it was empty inside--Nothing but a little burnt cheese around the edges and like one sliver of what I think was supposed to be ham. I threw it away. I was so unsatisfied and hungry!! Dinner could not come fast enough! Have the Lean Pockets gone down hill in the last 6 years? Or is it just me?

Sunday, August 20

Bundle of Joy

Friday, on my way home from work I had planned to go to the gym. However, some invisible force started to steer my car toward the mall. It was all very mysterious--It must have been the hand of God. So I got there, and I am thinking to myself several things 1) I hate this mall; there is never any parking 2) I have nothing I need to buy 3) I should not be wasting my time shopping; I should be at the gym. So I began meandering through the stores. Do I need something from Bath and Body works? No, no, I am still very well stocked from the semi-annual sale. Does Matthew need a present? No, no, that is definitely not it. Maybe I need some clothes? No, Gap is not even on sale and besides, they have their winter line out (oh, you sad, disillusioned state of Arizona, you don't have a winter! Gap, you will NEVER sell those sweaters!) Then, I suddenly found myself in Aldo browsing the purses. And I found this bundle of joy. Only, she was in a pretty brown color and $70. Now, I have a strict policy when it comes to spending money. And that policy is "I don't." It is really hard for me to spend money on something that is not on sale. Then, just as I was about to put her back on the self, the sales man came by and said, "Those handbags are 30% off the already reduced price..." And I said "Oh....Well, I don't think this one is on sale." And he goes, "Well, let me double check for you....$60...On sale for $30...Minus 30%.....So, it's on sale for $20.00" "You mean, it's practically free!!?" I exclaim. "I am sold!" And that is how this wonderful handbag came into my life. The End.


So, my apartment has some really odd quirks. Such as, when the air conditioning comes on, for some reason it makes the burners on my stove rattle. At first it was just one, and it was kinda like a hummm. Now it is ALL of them, in UNISON!!! And I feel it gets louder by the minute!!! OMG--it makes me want to poke my eyeballs out!

And then--there is the issue of the key to my door. I almost don't even want to talk about it. But it sticks in the lock. And sometimes when I come home at the end of the day, my front door just puts me in a bad mood, because I know its going to take my two minutes just to get my door unlocked.

Wednesday, August 16


HA! My archnemesis, The Mildew Stain, has been defeated! All thanks to Easy-Off BamĀ®. I have been trying for months to get rid of this stuff. So, in case you are wondering, don't waste your money on Oxy-clean, Finazzle, or Tilex.

Tuesday, August 15


I have been noticing that so many people are abandoning their blogs (Joshua, Fionamaggie, Matthew). This saddens me. I love reading about your life! Even if it is just to hear about what you had for lunch. I check in everyday, and everyday there are no new updates. Don't give up now! I'm sure there is something exciting happening that I don't know about yet! Write in your blogs, people!!

Sunday, August 13


I'm just going to say it: I am the worst ironer in the WORLD!!! So, tomorrow is the first day back at school with the students. Which means, I have to have nicely ironed professional looking clothes....Well, for the first week at least. It takes me like 20 minutes to iron a pair of pants mostly because I am trying to iron out all the wrinkles I manage to iron in. It's complicated. I really miss those college days when you could spray a little Downy Wrinkle Release on a pair of jeans and a t-shirt on your way our the door. You could literally self-iron yourself on the way to class. Man, wrinkle-release...That was the best invention ever!

Thursday, August 10

Arizona, you sure do know how to ruin a good time...

So, Matt has the week off--Sorta as an Army mandated last hoorah before deployment. I took a few days off as well, and we decided to go camping. We haven't been camping all summer, so you can imagine we were really excited to go and be able to spend more that just one night on Mt. Lemmon. So we get all our gear together, and, like always, end up having to stop at Target on our way out there because I just remembered that I have forgotten 1) the skillet 2) the spatula. I forget these items every time we go camping, so now I have 4 designated camping skillets and spatulas. We make it to the Spencer Canyon, find our old spot, pay the $8 non-refundable picnicking fee, thinking that if we get rained out, we wont be loosing the $17 non-refundable camping fee. Sure enough, as soon as the money was deep down in the non-refundable pay station, it starts to POUR! Not just buckets of rain, but buckets of hail too. I mean come on Arizona, you don't rain for two years, and it just so happens the one day we want to go camping you let loose torrential rains and flash flooding. We try to wait it out, but then comes the thunder and lightning and rivers of rain running through our potential tenting area. How miserable. We soon enough give up and head down the mountain. Just as we are about to leave the park, we spot a picnic area with a pavilion. I am bound and determined to have fun, so I make Matt pull over so we can grill our burgers on that stupid brand new skillet I just bought. What we did not anticipate were the bugs--swarms of bugs, colonies of tiny little bugs congregating on the bottle of OFF! Come on, Arizona, you are famous for your no-mosquito policy--Why do you hate us? So we ate our delicious burgers with one hand and packed everything up with the other. Never have two people picnicked in such record-breaking time. And that was our adventures in camping. Arizona, you sure do know how to ruin a good time!

Wednesday, August 2

Dancin' in the Street....

I meant to blog about this a while back, and how could I almost forget? While I was in Canada, we made trip to Victoria, B.C. We spent an afternoon taking in all the street fare along the bay. That's when we ran into the crazy-mad fiddle playing Darth Vader. The picture is blurry because he was just moving SOOOO fast, cape snapping in the wind and dancing a jig. It's safe to say he earned my nickel. I only wish my camera battery hadn't died because then.....We saw an accordian playing mermaid!

Tuesday, August 1

Today was my first day back at work. Booo, work!

So many things I did not accomplished this summer:

1. Not near where I thought I would be in the World of Warcraft. I thought for sure I would have been 60 by now.
2. Never got around to visiting Mexico.
3. Still a dozen books on my bookself that I have yet to read.
4. No progress on the New York Times Bestseller
5. Still havent started that summer diet and excersie program I tell myself I'm going to do every summer. Once of these day, 10 pounds, you're out of here for real!