Wednesday March 26
I am not ready to go back to work today. I am soooooo tired. I could easily sleep for another day and a half...
I am not ready to go back to work today. I am soooooo tired. I could easily sleep for another day and a half...
OMG! Let me tell you what three cups of coffee at 2:00 in the afternoon can do: Ifinishedupmygrading, postedgradesonline, wroteastudentrecommendation, wroteatest, taughtaclass, wenttothegym, ran3miles, liftedweights, wenttothegrocerystore, camehome, tookashower, fixeddinner, vacummedthelivingroom, and unloadedthedishwasher.
This is ridiculous! So I wanted to show Lord of the Flies the movie to my class before we had the test on it. I never show movies, and the kids are really into the book, so I thought I would let it go. Matt and I went to every movie store in town yesterday looking for it--all checked out. I swing by BOTH madison libraries after school today--closed due to inclement weather! Seriously??!! Its a little wind and rain. You close at 5 p.m. anyways. Give me a break!
Sundays just ruin my whole week. It's like you get to have a nice relaxing day: sleep in a little, go to church, eat dinner, nap, watch a movie, swing by the mall maybe. And the weather is all nice outside--and all-around perfect day. But in the back of your brain you know you need to worry about work because tomorrow is Monday. And Mondays are the worst.