Back In Action....Sort of
Life is suddenly very very busy. In fact, I move that we add 4-5 more hours to the day; who's with me? Several things:1. I am going back to school at the moment to get my masters in teaching. Homework now consumes my life. It is only one class, mind you, but it warrants much whining and complaining.2. My new scrubs came in today. They are turquoise and grape. (It's okay to be jealous.)3. Did everyone see Miss America? I am so proud of Taryn. She was magnificent out there and I'm glad that she was representing my state. We all know she was cheated out of the crown, but that's okay.4. Matt is doing great! I hear from him a couple times a week. He always has some story to tell that makes me laugh. If anyone wants to see what he has been up to over there, check out these pictures. And don't worry-you are not mistaken-they do spend alot of time playing the wii. And, yes, that is the baby Jesus sculpted entirely out of butter...
Late Christmas Present
Perhaps some of you remember the July 2006 entry entitled "My Poor Abused Credit Card and One Long Lost Hubcap: A Tale of Woe" (If not, you can find it in the archives). Well, I have a very exciting up-date: Dad suprised me with a late Christmas pesent, a 2000 Toyota Camry hubcap! WOOHOO! He had to order it from the Toyota place just for me. When I first lost the hubcap, I didn't think it would bother me that much. I mean, it's just a hubcap and my car can manage just as well with 3 as it can with 4. And it was on the passenger side; most of the time I didn't even have to aknowledge the ugly side of my car. But I really was embarassed by that one naked tire. But now it is all fixed. Yay, Dad!
New Year; New Update
So much to say: first of all, sorry I have fallen off the face of the world wide web. I will do my best to catch everyone up to speed. (Disclaimer: I won't lie to you; this entry is going to be HUGE. If you don't have half an hour to waste, stop reading right here. Even if you are a seasoned procrastinator, I would still recommend you take it in small pieces. Don't try to digest it all at once, for you may choke.)1. So let's back up to Christmas. What a great time to be home. Mommy got me a full day at the spa with her. Three hours of massage (with hot stones), facials, and pedicures. Who knew it being beautiful was soooooo time-consuming. And let me recommend to everyone a hot stone massage. It was the best massage I ever had. And Daddy bought me a new bed with a memory foam topper. Going to bed is the best part of my day.2. Wedding Planning: Not my wedding--Holly's wedding. Soooooo much fun! There was cake shopping, cake TASTING (my personal fav), bridesmaid's dress shopping, weekend excursions to out-of-state bridal gown stores, engagement parties, and of course, slumber parties. How could you go wrong?3. New Year's Eve: So Holly and I had BIG plans for new years, we were going to dress up in our cocktail dresses, drink beer and watch Disney's Cars at my apartment. However, in the midst of out getting dressed up, holly did my hair, and lets just say I looked fabulous. So......we had to go out and show it off. An hour or so at George Street did us in. I have decided that I am officially O-L-D. When you start looking around at the people at the bar and say to yourself, "WoW, this is so not my scene any more...." I think it's time to throw in the towel.4. New Year's Day: When you wake up in the morning and your alarm clock says that is it 9:99 o'clock, you might be in for a long day. In fact, you should probably just unplug the damn thing and go back to bed, which is precisely what I did! I hope this is no indication for the rest of the year. Things are very hectic (as I will explain in items 5-7), and with Matt being away, 2008 can't get here fast enough. I guess it could have been worse; it could have been 6:66 o'clock.5. School: Yes, I am back in school. And not a minute too soon; I registered for classes the very LAST possible day. I was so late coming in that I missed orientation. I am taking classes at Belhaven College to get my Masters in Teaching (good times). Tell me how my first assignment is due 48 hours BEFORE the FIRST day of class. (Insanity) But I am so excited about being a student again. My favorite part is buying new books and new school supplies. In fact when I got home, I rolled around on the floor with my new Mead Fivestar® notebooks before my roommate got home.6. Work: I am busy looking for a job while I work part-time for the Dad at his office. Boo The Great American Job Search; it's so stressful. But I know that what you think is the most perfect job probably isn't for you, and the one place you are meant to be will come along when you aren't even looking for it. I just have to try harder not to look for it, I guess. I think I may have a teaching job lined up for the Fall semester, but keep your fingers crossed on that one. (I will reveal more information at a later date when details are confirmed.)7. Dental Assisting: As I said before, I am helping the Dad around the office. Every now and then I get to assist with a patient. Fun times, my friends. So many amazing things you never knew you didn't want to see. But, seriously, it is alot of fun. And at the end of the day you can say to yourself, "That guy still has all his teeth, and it's all because of me..." And the number one best thing about working at the office: You get to wear scrubs - AKA- basically your pajamas. I mean, you can't really get more comfortable.8. Tech Savvy: In Matt's absence, I have come across a million technological hurdles, and amazingly enough I have subconsciously stored some of the computer babble that he has subjected me to over the years. One such incident had to do with telling the difference between a crossover cable and Ethernet cable. I know you are thinking to yourself, "But Marie, they look EXACTLY alike!!" Well, my friends, you are wrong. They indeed are not at all alike. I would explain, but this blog is entirely out of control as it is, so I will spare you. Other issues have been the wireless router, the TiVo, the external hardrive, and transmission, among others. Matt was so proud of me, he made me this sticker. It's okay to be jealous....Well folks, I think that is all the news for now. Regular updates from now on, I promise.