Wednesday, December 27

Leaving Tucson

This new blogger thing has me all confused. My first attempt (a week ago) was erased and I was too irritated at the time to try again. So, here goes nothin...

I made the long trek cross-country safe and sound. Let's just say that if I NEVER again drive clear across the Great State of Texas, it will be too soon. (Except for when Matt comes home; I could drive across Texas for him any day...) Somewhere around day #2 I saw a sign for Hammond. Now, I am thinkning, "I made it to Hammond, Louisianna already??!! --Hooray!!" But just when I thought I was in Louisianna....I was still in Texas. *sigh*

But let me tell you about leaving Tucson for the last time...

So there I was, my car loaded to the roof with all my worldly possessions. ( I was going to say that I glanced in the rearview mirrow and watched my apartment fade away like they do in the movies, but unfortunatly, my comforter and pillows were blocking the back window.) I pull out of the apartment complex around 7 am. The sun is just bearly glowing below the horizon; the stars are still twinkling on and off in the heavens. I pull into the turn lane and roll down my window to take in the cool, crisp Arizona morning for the last time. And that is when a truck passes me in on-coming traffic and SPITS out of his window (I think everyone can see where this is going). The spit flies through the air and lands right there on my forearm! UGH! I sat there, in the turn lane, staring at my arm in disbelief for a few minutes before I could towel myself off with a Wendy's napkin. Now that is a send off that I will never forget.

And then on my way out of town I went to the 24 hour Mexican drive-thru for breakfast. Oh, chirrizo breakfast burritto, I miss you.....

Wednesday, December 6


Just want to let everyone know that I have officially begun the moving process: as of tonight, my desk and dresser now reside in someone else's home. So, basically I am typing this from the make-shift desk I like to call "the cardboard box." Its really a pain in the neck, so this will prolly be my last post until I make back to Mississippi. (9 days and counting!!) So, don't stop reading; I'll be back in action with lots of fun stories before you know it!

Happy Holidays!

Hunger Control?

Lets talk for a minute about SlimFast Hunger Control bars.... So I have been eating these for breakfast because I am always running late for work now-a-days. This is a quick on-the-go meal replacement solution. And who doesn't want to eat a peanut-buttery chocolate bar for breakfast? The problem here is that I find them to be too good. I eat one and my hunger is not at all controlled. In fact, an hour later my stomach is growling for another one. People got to stop making diet food so yummy.