Sunday, August 5

HUGE update!

1. Matt and I are ENGAGED! I know, I know, it's almost a month overdue, but I am just now finding the time to update this thing. He proposed while he was home on R&R from Iraq. Very Romantic, very unexpected, and altogether wonderful. Wedding plans are in motion, and I am suddenly a very busy woman. Thank goodness for my Mom, the wedding planner, who has everything under control.
2. So, while Matt was home we saw Transformers the movie. It was, surprisingly, the best movie of the summer. I take back all the mean things I said about the Transformers.
3. Also while Matt was home, we were able to go to the Harry Potter and the Deathly Hollows release party. Good times were had by all. We wore our complimentary glasses and meandered around Barnes and Noble, with our pre-ordered wristbands, anxiously awaiting midnight. (Nerds! Nerds! Nerds!)


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

Too cute!!!

4:19 AM  

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