Tuesday, July 3

Damn Squirrles!!!

OKAY, I know its before FOREVER!!! But this incident just pulled me out of my blogging slump, and it all has to do with those damn squirrels! So, several weeks ago, my friend Stacey gave me this beautiful orange Lilly. So I take it home, buy it a nice little planter, give it some fancy miracle grow soil, water it when it's thirsty. All in all, it looks like I'm growing a healthy little plant. And then.....I come home this afternoon to find that SQUIRRELS have EATEN my PLANT! They have also dug all the top soil out of the planter! AND they have eaten the plastic base that holds all the extra water for my plant! So now when I water the plant all the water flows right out the sides. WTF!!!! I was all excited to have cute little plants growing in my cute little planters for when Matt comes home, so he can see how domesticated I have become, and yet, those damn squirrels have ruined everything!


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Marie--It's about time! I've been sitting on pins and needles waiting for you to FINALLY post SOMETHING!!!! Again, you have not failed in finding humor in EVERYTHING and ANYTHING! Hilarious.
I miss you! It's definitely NOT the same at work without you...*sniff, sniff* BTW--I think your dad banned me from helping up front...that's ok, though...it's probably best that way... Let's go out for lunch one day soon....before Matt comes home and you forget about your long,lost friends......

6:13 PM  

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