Wednesday, May 2

24 or 25: It's debatable

Happy Birthday to Me! Here is a Dino comic: I am the birthday girl, Dromiceiominus. And Matt is obviously T-Rex, who is debating among his friend whether or not he should get me a vegetable steamer for my birthday (YES! I WANT THE VEGETABLE STEAMER!) You know how people always ask you "How does it feel to be (insert age here)??" Like you are supposed to undergo some dramatic change or something. And your answer is always something like, "feels the same as yesterday..." Well, let me tell you folks, the big 2-5 is really hurting my feelings. My twenties are half-way gone! I feel like 25 is a grown-up age, and I am supposed to have my life together by now. What happened to the good ole days, when we were 21 and we didn't live in the "real world" and we didn't have any responsibilities and we just woke up, went to class, hung out, and then did it all over again the next day? I don't even remember turning 24, so naturally, I reject the idea of being 25; today I am 24.


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

Where do you get those comics? Hi-lar-i-ous! Marie, it's ok. Really. If it makes you feel any better I was 22 when I had Brennan, so when I turned 25 last year I had a 2 year old!!! Of course, that was by my own choice obviously. But don't feel bad!!!! You know, you're starting to sound like Dr. Harkins...... :o)
But, regardless, I hope you have a HAPPY BIRHTDAY!

7:37 PM  

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