Thursday, March 1

Did she really say that?

So, I ran into one of the crazies today. She came into the office, and we were chit-chatting, and then she goes, "Well, you just graduated from high school, didn't you?" And I say, "No ma'am, I graduated in 2000." And she goes, (....wait for it.....) "*GASP!!!* Oh my!!! Well you need to get married and start having babies! Do you know that your fertility rate drops by 13% every year after you reach 21?!?!?!?!" .....Are you kidding me?...... First of all, I feel this is an improbable statistic. I am no math major, but doesn't this mean that you would be incapable of reproducing by the time you are 30? And second of all.....did you really just say that? Out loud? To me? In front of all those people in the waiting room? (Mandy, where were you when I needed someone to laugh with me!)


Blogger Marie said...

No, no, no, definatly not Ann. She's a keeper!

11:22 AM  
Blogger Natalie said...

oh my lord. that is so crazy! i'm telling you only in the south are people this nosy and/or insane.

wait... what am i doing on your blog?! i should be out procreating before i DIE!!!

1:58 PM  
Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

I'm sorry I missed that one, Marie!

8:42 PM  

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