Tuesday, February 27


I almost forgot to tell you about my Monday. It was insane, as per usual, but on top of that, I was working off 4 hours of sleep because my roommate's bulimic cat threw up all over my shoes in the middle of the night (but that is neither here nor there....). Anyways, in order to boost my stamina, I decided to invest in a Monster energy drink. Now, my co-worker who recommended that I try this is a marathon runner, and she says they give out Monster energy drinks at their meetings. Well, if marathon runners drink it, then surely I must too. It is true: I was overcome with an insane amount of energy. My fingers were typing faster, my foot was tapping uncontrollably, and I had enough energy at the end of the day to cook dinner, clean the bathroom, wash the dishes, and do my homework. However, I felt that my brain couldn't keep up with my body; it was still half asleep all day. In fact, on my way home, there was more traffic than usual and when I get off at my exit, of course there is a half mile of cars backed all the way up to the intersection. I assumed there was a wreck, or perhaps a lane was blocked off for road work, because really, 5:30 on a Monday afternoon is a very appropriate time to be doing road work. My body is like, "Whatever! I'm not sitting in this line! I know a short cut!" and somewhere far far away my brain is going, "Marie, you don't know a shortcut." And sure enough, my brain was right. Twenty minutes later, I admitted to myself that this was not a shortcut at all; it is, in fact, a never ending neighborhood.


Blogger The Miller's Blog said...

Marie, you need to publish your writing and sell it. Funny, funny stuff. And I told you the Monster was good. I can't stop thinknig about how yummy it is. But, I can only handle one a day. And it has to be morning!!!

7:03 PM  

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