Wednesday, February 7

Midterm Mayhem

So, perhaps you have noticed my infrequent updates as of late. Well, honestly, this whole "going back to school" thing has proved to be more time consuming than I initially thought. So, I'm in the middle of my "Measurement and Evaluations" class for my masters program, and I have my midterm exam tomorrow night. Now, if you are asking yourself, "Marie, isn't this only your fourth class," then you would be correct. So the professor emails us a list of things we need to know for the final, and one is as vague as this: "know the section on validity and testing." If you are thinking, "Hey! But that is what EVERY chapter is about!" then you would be correct again. Validity, for those of you who don't know, it determining whether or not your tests and assessments of students are accurate, in that they are testing for knowledge of material that the student has been taught under your instruction (i.e- If you are teaching your students about addition, a valid test would be asking a student "what is 1+2?" an invalid test would be like asking them to name the capital of Mexico. you see?)

Maybe this would be a good time to tell you that we have had a grand total of about 30 minutes of note taking in the last thee class period. None of the note taking was on validity.

Is this ironic? (circle one) Yes / No


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well, if your teacher makes you write an essay about validity, you could always counter with an example of his class and prove how invalid his test is in accordance with the teaching.

8:09 PM  

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