Sunday, May 4

26th Birthday: How Did That Happen??

So another year has come and gone.  I am still stuck on the same realization I came to this time last year:  When did I have a 24th birthday?  I seriously don't remember that one at all.

But this year was quite memorable--Matt was home, and we got to celebrate together.  He got me some new fancy chef knives, and I cannot wait to chop something!  Also, I got some fabulous pearl earring that he said I could "wear with my wedding dress."  What a great idea, Matthew!

And THEN, as if that was not enough, we ate dinner at Ro'Chez in Ridgeland.  It's a very intimate setting with only room for a few couples each night, and the 5 course menu changes every weekend.  We arrived early and talked over a couple glasses of wine (And at this point, I'd like to add a shameless plug for TOASTED HEAD--Both the cab-sav and the merlot are fabulous.  Do not be mislead by the ridiculous name or the fire breathing grizzly bear on the label; it is very serious wine.)  

Our Menu was wonderful.  The third course was by far the best:  the most tender beef medallions in a chocolate/balsamic vinegar reduction sauce over cheese grits.  I came very close to asking for seconds, and Matt said it made him--and I quote--"want to squeal like a little girl." 

And I think that about sums up the whole evening... Also, as it turns out, eating for two and a half hours is a very exhausting task.  


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