Sunday, April 13

Oh, Bubble Bath--I May Never Have Time For You Again...

Remember that time I said I was in the market for a personal assistant?  Well now you can update that job description to personal assistant/maid.  I could totally use someone to put away my laundry and clean my bathroom while I work my way through this mountain of grading before me.  Also, my bed is not going to make itself, and the dishwasher is just not big enough for all my dishes.  

And maybe if my new personal assistant/maid could also become a part-time personal shopper on the side that would be MAGNIFICENT.  Because I simply do not have the time or energy to shop for new bridal shower/luncheon/brunch/engagement party dresses after work.  

And while I'm sitting here wishing and hoping, go ahead and upgrade this personal assistant/maid/personal shopper to teacher's aid as well.  I just need someone to read essays a couple hours each night, and maybe I can go back to doing fun stuff for myself, like playing WoW or reading for fun or watch some TV....


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