Double Dose
So tonight, you will get a double dose of rantings from me. First topic:
I know it is Tuesday, but let's just reflect on the fact that we did not have a Monday this week thanks to Dr. King and his birthday. And let's also reflect on how amazing my week is without that Monday. I mean tomorrow is Hump Day; my week is half over. And there was none of the usual grumpiness and exhaustion that usually accompanies a Monday. So in conclusion, I move that we eliminate the Monday from the work week, entirely. OR, we could just incorporate this lovely contraption to the Monday routine. Either option suits me...
Second Topic:
Second Topic:
The Tyra Show
When I get home from work, it is four o'clock, and the Tyra Show is on. Perhaps you have seen it, and you too have experienced the sheer atrocity. It is just....Bad. There is no other word for it. I mean, come on, Tyra-- You are black, you are beautiful, but you are no Oprah. Let's move on...
I have to disagree... I LOVE Tyra!!!
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