New Additions...

I figured that since I am a girl, it's high time I tried to grow something. Matt bought me this cute little planter a while back, and I have been neglecting to plant anything in it for quite some time now. I have never had a plant before; I did, however, go through two cacti. I killed them both. How is it even possible to kill a cactus, you ask? I have no idea, but I have done it twice. So this morning after church, I stopped by the nursery, which is convieniently located a block from my apartment. (I figure, this way if I have a plant emergency, help is right around the corner) I had absolutly no idea what I was looking for; my only criteria was "small" and "cute." Of cou
rse, there wasn't an employee to be seen for miles, so I was left to my own devices. I think I picked out a primrose. I spent the morning planting my new little flowers in their pots, filling them in with some potting soil, and giving them lots of water, as they seemed to be a little parched at the nursey. And since this was my first try with a potted plant, I read the potting soil directions throughly. Step 6 was to talk to the plant. Seriously. So I intorduced myself and welcomed them to their new home. Lucy, by the way, is enamored with my new flowers. She likes to sniff them and lick them and curl up beside the planter. It is just so cute. So, wish me luck. I will keep you up-to-date with their progress.

just so you know, i read all you stories and i must say, you remember things differently then i do! however i love your planter and the flowers if you can just keep lucy from eating them.
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