Monday, October 31

As Promised.....

I must share with everyone: this weekend Matt cooked for me.

Okay, okay, I use that term loosely. So, I arrive at the Fort Friday night with my Subway value meal in hand, knowing good and well not too expect more than a jar of peanut butter and possibly a can of tuna sitting in Matt's fridge. Much to my suprise, Matt whisks my dinner away and says he is going to make me the most amazing sandwhich in the world. I wont lie: The first image that flashed through my mind was the time I left Matt in charge of a box of Tuna Helper. In short, that meal was a natural disaster on so many levels; the main level being that it contained no tuna. Eventually, Matt emerged from the kitchen (as I was not allowed to peek) with a sandwish that looked much like the one you see before you: the bread was toasted, the deli sliced turkey breast was delicatly folded, the lettuce was crisp, the tomato was thinly sliced, the cheddar cheese was Cracker Barrel, and there was a secret sauce so close to McAllister's honey mustard that I could have cried! AND he even cut it down the middle and served it with a pickle spear on the side; a pickle spear, people! I was impressed. I never doubted him...not even for a second.


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