Wednesday, October 12

The Results Are In!

Hey there fans!

Sorry I havent been updating regularly, but work has really been keeping me busy. I wish I could say that I have some exciting stories to share, but nothing much. Teacher evaluations went out last week (this is where the students evaluate the teacher's preformance) Over all, the charts and graphs said I did very well. A few of the "constructive comments": 1.Ms. Harkins is very pretty. 2.Ms. Harkins is f-ing awesome and deserves a raise. (This student will get A's forever) 3. Mr. Lee, Mr. Rodriguez, and Mr. Bonati are pimps! Ms. Harkins is a pimpet! 4. Ms. Harkins is rude and has a stick up her butt.

Well, three out of four isnt bad.....


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Let's make it four out of five - "Ms. Harkins is sweeter than the honey on the honey on the honeycomb. "

5:06 PM  

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