My Poor Abused Credit Card and One Long Lost Hubcap: A Tale of Woe
First of all, let's have a moment of silence for my poor, poor credit card . . . . . . . .
I has been through so much lately: A week of shopping with Fiona, a trip to Victoria, B.C., and four new tires for my car. Bye, bye cash.
Second of all, let me tell you about my tire-changing experience this morning. So, I woke up at the crack of 6 a.m. to make my way to Wal-Mart before they opened so that I would be the first in line to get new tires. It was still a three hour wait, partly due to the fact that this old geezer in a pick-up truck cut in front of me in line, but I digress... Anyway, I bought my tires, and they look fabulous. I ran a few errands, and then when I got home, I noticed I was missing a hubcap. My back passenger side tire was incredibly naked! So I call Wal-Mart to see if maybe it fell off in the parking lot when I drove away. They tell me, "Oh, yeah, one of the clips broke..." I say, "Why didn't you tell me that? Why did you even bother to put it back on if you knew it was broken?" They did not have a response. Apparently, I befuddled them. At that point I get in my car and retrace my steps around town looking for the long-lost hubcap. And there it was: In the middle of the intersection, broken in two pieces.... I wanted to retrieve it and at least bring it home, but I feared I might suffer the same terrible fate as my hubcap. Poor, poor hubcap....
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