Thursday, July 6

Here's The Thing About Texas...

Here's the things about Texas: Texans are very proud of the fact that they are Texans. Take for instance, the Comfort Inn And Suites in San Antonio, Texas: Their continental breakfast featured a make-your-own-waffle bar with a waffle iron in the shape of the state of Texas. Now, I LOVE Mississippi. In fact, I have a new-found appreciation for the beauty and uniqueness of my home state even more so now that I have moved away from it. But, I really see no need in forming any baked-goods in the shape of Mississippi. Don't get me wrong though --the waffles were EXCELLENT-- I stood in line for 30 minutes just to get one.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

marie... people are crazy about their homestates. in particular, i have realized that people from north carolina are pretty hardcore about who is #1 in the 50 states... if you know what i mean... i, on the other hand, have become attached to the state that has a crook-ed letter in its spelling... that is who we are... right right? dare i say, hollar? i do love your hair in the blog picture... fabuolous!!! oh, we are getting old... always the bridesmaid and never the bride... matt? pat? where you is? where you is? i don't know. i don't know. peanut butter jelly with a baseball bat!

8:42 PM  
Blogger Marie said...

Oh Holly--it takes someone very special to bring on the funk! :)

10:29 PM  
Blogger Natalie said...

ha! i love that waffle, it makes me happy. i have lived in texas for 2 years and i find myself unknowingly buying texas things. i, in fact, have a "texas star" hanging in my hallway. i think they begin brainwashing you when you cross the state line. but i also have an obsession with magnolias. so i'll never be fully-texan (thank god). long live the m-i-crooked letter -i!

6:28 AM  

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