Friday, February 24

New Nephew...

Mom called me this morning to tell me I am the proud aunt of a black Cabbage Patch Kid! My brother's parenting project at school starts today and runs through the weekend. There is a monitor in it that makes the baby cry at random, and it also keeps track of how well the baby is tended to. How hilarious! My mom asked my brother what is he going to do when he has to go to church on Sunday, and Michael said he is going to sit in the cryroom! I love it!


Blogger Ballentine said...

I had to do a parenting project in 8th grade... our "baby" was a five pound bag of flour and the assignment was to keep it with us at all times and protect it for a week. Sure enough my baby flour bag jumped from my arms and ripped open. My parents were super pissed when I insisted that we drive to a grocery store an hour away to buy a new flour baby (the tricky teacher bought a store brand from a store that she knew was no where near school). LOL!

11:48 PM  

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