Friday, February 10

Lucy and Mr. Handsome

Lucy has a boyfriend. I call him Mr. Handsome because has a beautiful fluffy, gold and white coat and a very charming meow. Also, he is abnormally friendly for a stray cat. While most stray cats hide underneath your car, this guy actually follows me around when he sees me. Once he even followed me up the stairs to my apartment and scratched against the door frame as if this was his stop. And knowing Mr. Handsome, he would have walked right in and made himself at home. Eventually, I lured him away with a handful of cereal (I was carrying groceries). Lately, Mr. Handsome has been coming around the apartment alot. He sprawls himself across the steps, and Lucy sits on the front balcony so that they are eye level. Mr. Handsome just talks and talks and talks. One afternoon I came home, and Mr. Handsome had left a dead bird at the foot of the stairs. I think he is trying to seal the deal before Valentine's Day. But he is in for a suprise; Lucy is not allowed to date yet.


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