Tuesday, February 7

This One Goes Out To The Ex-Roommates...

(Katie, Jenny, Natalie, Alicia - This one is for you)

While I was in the shower, I thought long and hard about topics for tonight's blog, and I came up with....Nothing. I know I have really talked up the whole "living alone" experience, what with the ice cream for breakfast, being able to walk around naked, having soul control of the TV remote, making your own rules, and enjoying all the peace and quite that your neighbor on the other side of that paper-thin wall will allow, but honestly, at the end of the day, there is far less excitement in your life without The Roommate. So here are the top five things that I miss about roommates:

5. The Borrowing: The Roommate is a wealth of all things borrowed; what one lacks, the other provides. Now that you are living alone, the phrase, "Hey, Roomie, can I borrow those shoes/ that sweater/ your lip gloss/ a tampon/ some conditioner/ ten dollars/ your biology notes..." no longer applies to you. The fact that I do not necessarily need to borrow some biology notes at the moment is irrelevant. The point here is that if I am in need of any of these things, I am my own roommate, and we have already established that I am fresh out of all of those things.

4. The Favor: The Roommate is the bearer of all Favors. They cover for you when you need to avoid someone, they tape Dawson's Creek for you when you are in class, they don't mind picking up dinner for you when you are starving and sitting around in your pajamas, they take care of you when you are sick, they buy you things at Wal-Mart when you desperately need them. (I think Jenny once bought me a strapless bra a half-hour before formal once.) When you are living alone, the motto, "If you want something done, you have to do it yourself," takes on a whole new meaning.

3. The Mini-Drama: The Roommate is a lover of the Mini-Drama. One great thing about living with someone is coming home and sharing your day with that person. The Roommate is always exicted to take the time to catch up on all the random adventures, laughs, and mini-dramas of the day, no matter how petty. Now, my Lucy is the love of my life, but sometimes when I start talking, she just walks away. To be honest, I just don't think we speak the same language.

2. The Teamwork: If the amount of housework expected of one person is indirectly proportional to the number of persons living in the house, then in my case, the numbers do not work in my favor.

1. The Company: Most importantly, The Roommate is your best source of company. I mean, I know I am the most exciting thing in Tucson, but even I get a little bored with myself sometimes. And today at the gym, they were playing this sassy salsa music, and all I could think of when I was on that treadmill, was "mmmmmmm...Salsa!" And my mouth watered for some of Tucson's finest Mexican food. But of course, a girl can't just go to a restaurant and eat by herself; that is just awkward.


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