Well, I made it back from Mississippi, and so did my luggage...Eventually. It was a very refreshing visit. Here are some highlights:
1. Michael's graduation: I love that kid! But I can't believe he's old enough for college...how stressful. Anyways, St. Joe was the same ole St. Joe. Except for now we have a BAND! True story-I heard 'em with my own two ears.
2. Crawfish: We had a B-lated crawfish boil for my birthday. Oh! They were to DIE for! It smelled so summery and Mississippi. And then we has this amazing crawfish pasta, and there were TONS leftover, so I told Matt that I would bring some back for him. But when I forgot the pasta in MS, and showed up to his place empty handed, I think his exact words were, "You can leave now...." (He's just jealous)
2. Max: The puppy is into everything including crawfish. This was hilarious: Max started digging live crawfish out of the bucket and running off with them. I also heard that Max enjoys picking squash from the garden with Dad in the morning. But one day last week Dad didn't go into the garden, so while everyone was at work, Max went into the garden and had his way with the squash. He up rooted a whole plant and had squash strewn all over the back porch. Poor Maxie, he just wanted to help....4. 25th Wedding Anniversary: My parents also celebrated their 25th Wedding Anniversary. And I don't even have a picture from the party to show ya'll....Booo, me. But it was very romantical. We had mass, they exchanged vows and rings again, and then we had a quite a party. Mom even got a wedding cake again. How exciting!
5. Jackson Girls: Eventhough Melissa, An'drea, and I no longer live in Jackson at the moment, we all happened to meet up at my favorite place and yours...McAllister's. I pity the fool who has not eaten at McAllister's. It was great. I actually went there twice in once day: First with Matt's mom for lunch, and a few hours later for a sweet tea re-fill.....mmmmmm!
6. Old School Jackson Girls: I went out to eat Mexican with Hope and Danielle the night before I left. The guy at the table next to us was hitting on Danielle, and he kept buying us mango margaritas. It was great! Danielle, we need to go out more often!
cute picture of you and your brother. i will send you one from the anniversary so you can post the cute couple in front of their delicious wedding cake!
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