So I made Matt go dress shopping with me this weekend. Now, if you have not had the privilege to experience clothes shopping with me before, you are missing out on a stressful, indecisive, mess of an afternoon. However, I must give Matthew Darling props for being so patient. I must have changed my mind like a million times. Thank goodness he had good games to play on his cell phone to pass the time, otherwise he might have killed me right there outside the Ann Taylor dressing room. (Oh, and here is a sneak peak of my new purchase. Only it has a cute little sweater to go with it.)
So that was our weekend in a nut shell. Shopping. And Matt also bought me a new pair of jeans and a tea maker. The tea maker is a god-send; I have had it like 48 hours and already I've gone through like 4 gallons of tea. True Story. I'll be the first to admit that I'm addicted to sweet tea.
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