My Dad, My Hero
Funny Story: Several nights ago, I woke up in the middle of the night and had to pee. Much to my dismay, I flipped the switch in the bathroom, and nothing. (It's okay, I peed in the dark.) So, in the morning, I try changing the light bulb, and nothing. I even went as far as to open the fuse box. At this point I had exhaughsted all my knowledge about home repair. Still, no lights, and what is more, my electrical outlets were not working either. After about three days of doing my business in the dark and blow drying my hair in the kitchen, I call up Daddy, my hero. Before I can even open my mouth Dad says, "You've tripped a ground fault." And over the phone he led me to this tiny--practically invisible--button right there between the two electrical outlets. WHO KNEW!!!! Now, everything is working as it should, and it was such a simple fix. What a great life lesson...
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