Monday, August 22

This One Goes Out to Nick...

Since Nick seems to be the only person who reads this, this one is dedicated to him.

What wild and crazy times we had! Remember that time we were unassumingly hanging out at your apartment when your roommate brought home crazy old woman for a little sleep over? And remember that time I came over to proof read a paper for you and as soon as I got there, you sat me down with a 15 page paper and a red pen and proceeded to leave me there at your appartment by myself while you went to a Theta date party? That was the night I almost stole your dog. But it was all good because then I got a Wild Turkey and coke out of it. And who could forget the time that you wrecked my car? Those were good times, my friend, good times. And now that my insurance has forgiven me, I'm glad we can look back on those day and laugh!


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